
Your .env file configuration reference.

Your environment values should be set using the pattern VARIABLE=value on new lines each. Notice that there is no space between VARIABLE, = and value

Do NOT add space between values, and if you absolute need to, you have to put them in quotes as such VARIABLE="really long value"

Heads Up! Don't change a variable that we have not explicitly instructed you to change in this document, unless of course, you know what you are doing.

The categories marked with asterisk (*) are required for Cryptitan to successfully build and start. If you skip any one of these, Cryptitan will NOT START!

If any of the variable stated here is not predefined in the environment file, you should write it in a new line at the end of the file.

Application *

APP_NAME set your application name

APP_URL set your domain, e.g. APP_URL=https://example.com

CERTBOT_EMAIL set your official email address

Database *

The database is automatically built within the container of Cryptitan and it is only accessible by Cryptitan itself, so any database credential set is inherently safe.

Database credential must only be set ONCE and not changed afterwards. Because the database is only built one time. If you change the credential, Cryptitan will no longer be able to connect to it.

DB_USERNAME set your database username (any random value will work)

DB_PASSWORD set your database password (any random value will work)


MAIL_HOST set your SMTP host.

MAIL_PORT set your SMTP port.

MAIL_USERNAME set your SMTP username

MAIL_PASSWORD set your SMTP password

MAIL_ENCRYPTION set to "tls" for sending of encrypted mails

MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS set your email "from" address, it could be something like noreply@your-domain.com. This usually requires domain verification on your SMTP server.

MAIL_FROM_NAME set your email "from" name. You can leave it as "${APP_NAME}" to set your APP_NAME

BitGo *

BITGO_TOKEN set your BitGo access token, (refer to its section for guide)

BITGO_ENV sets your BitGo to test or prod environment.

BITGO_ENTERPRISE sets your BitGo enterprise id.

Don't change your BitGo environment after setup! Wallet balances of users are always retained, and you don't want a user's account that was credited on a testnet environment to be able to withdraw the same value on a production environment. You typically want to have two installations of Cryptitan for the two environment. One installation will be for testing purpose, while the other is for production.


RECAPTCHA_ENABLE set as true or false to enable or disable HCaptcha.

RECAPTCHA_SECRET set your HCaptcha secret

RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY set your HCaptcha site key

RECAPTCHA_SIZE set to normal or invisible


You don't need to obtain API keys from Pusher because Cryptitan hosts its own WebSocket service. You should leave the environment values as they are.


A redis server is automatically built with Cryptitan's network and it is only accessible to cryptitan, which makes it inherently safe. Leave the redis information as it is and you are good to go!

Open Exchange Rates *

OPEN_EXCHANGE_RATES_APP_ID set your openexchangerates.org app id. (refer to its section)

Maxmind *

GEOIP_SERVICE set your maxmind service. This can be one of maxmind_api or maxmind_database

MAXMIND_USER_ID set your maxmind user id (refer to its section)

MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY set your maxmind license key (refer to its section)

Ethereum *

ETHEREUM_WSsets the destination WebSocket node URL for Ethereum network. We recommend: Chainstack

Don't change Ethereum Network after setup! Wallet balances of users are always retained, and you don't want a user's account which was credited on a testnet environment to be able to withdraw the same value on a production environment. You typically want to have two installations of Cryptitan for the two environment. One installation will be for testing purpose, while the other is for production.

Binance *

BINANCE_WS (required) sets the destination WebSocket node URL for Binance network. We recommend: Chainstack

Don't change Binance Network after setup! Wallet balances of users are always retained, and you don't want a user's account which was credited on a testnet environment to be able to withdraw the same value on a production environment. You typically want to have two installations of Cryptitan for the two environment. One installation will be for testing purpose, while the other is for production.


MONGODB_URL (required) sets your MongoDB URL (refer to its section).

The value of your MONGODB_URLshould be wrapped in quotes.

This is where all encrypted private keys of the system would be stored. We strongly recommend you properly set up your mongodb atlas with regular backups, and you should NEVER attempt to alter the content of the database directly. We, the cryptitan team, WILL NOT be responsible for any form of data loss or corruption.


COINCAP_KEY set your coincap api key.

SMS Provider

SMS_PROVIDER set your SMS provider, this could be one of vonage, twilio, africastalking, sns. Each requires its own specific environment values, refer to their section.


VONAGE_KEY set your vonage key (refer to its section)

VONAGE_SECRET set your vonage secret (refer to its section)

VONAGE_SMS_FROM set your vonage phone number


TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN set your Twilio auth token

TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID set your Twilio account SID

TWILIO_FROM set your Twilio number

TWILIO_SMS_SERVICE_SID set your Twilio sms service SID

TWILIO_ALPHA_SENDER (optional) set your Twilio sender name

TWILIO_SMS_SERVICE_SID (optional) set your sms service ID


You need to Register and then go to your sandbox app Go To SandBox App, Click on settings Within this page, you will generate your Username and key.

Remember to add your Sender ID that you will be using to send the messages.

AT_USERNAME set your AfricasTalking username

AT_KEY set your AfricasTalking secret key

AT_FROM set your AfricasTalking Sender ID


PAYPAL_CLIENT_ENV set to either sandbox or live

PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID set your PayPal client ID

PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET set your PayPal client secret

After subsequent changes to the environment file in the future. Remember to rebuild Cryptitan with:

./cryptitan recreate


STRIPE_ENABLE set to either true or false

STRIPE_KEY set your Stripe secret key here


PAYU_ENABLE set to either true or false

PAYU_CLIENT_ENV set to either secure or sandbox for production or test environment.

PAYU_CLIENT_ID set your OAuth Client ID

PAYU_CLIENT_SECRET set your OAuth Client Secret

PAYU_CURRENCY set your PayU account currency


PAYSTACK_ENABLE set to either true or false

PAYSTACK_CLIENT_SECRET set your Secret Key here


MOLLIE_ENABLE set to either true or false

MOLLIE_CLIENT_KEY set your API key here

Last updated